Part 1 makes it a legal requirement for Local Health Board and Local Authorities to work together to expand and strengthen mental health services at primary care level across Wales for people of all ages.
Our new website section will help GPs and their teams understand this first part of the Measure and can be accessed through the following link - Part 1 - Downloadable Resource.
The resource consists of a series of links to documents, websites and videos which explain how this part of the Measure will work.
If you're a mental health professional, then we'd urge you to take a few minutes to explore this new section of our site which we have split up into the following 3 distinct sections:
We'll also be posting details of each section on our Facebook page over the coming week so please visit us there as well and pass on anything you find useful to your Friends and colleagues.
In the meantime, for further information on the Mental Health (Wales) Measure contact:
Barbara Bowness - The All Wales Primary Care Lead for Part 1 of the Measure at:
Alternatively, contact WaMH in PC via email at or on 029 2050 4516.