We've produced a short series of videos to help explain Part 1 of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure and help primary care staff across Wales understand this new mental health legislation.
Part 1 makes it a legal requirement for Local Health Board and Local Authorities to work together to expand and strengthen primary care mental health services for people of all ages.
We urge you to spend a minutes of your time watching each of the following videos but you can also view them all on our existing WaMHinPC YouTube Channel.
We've also added a new section to our website - which you can access through the following link Part 1 - Downloadable Resource - to help GPs and their teams understand this first part of the Measure.
If you're a mental health professional, then we'd urge you to take a few minutes to explore this new section of our site which we have split up into the following 3 distinct sections:
We'll also be posting details of each section on our Facebook page over the coming week so please visit us there as well and pass on anything you find useful to your Friends and colleagues.
In the meantime, for further information on the Mental Health (Wales) Measure contact:
Barbara Bowness - The All Wales Primary Care Lead for Part 1 of the Measure at:
Alternatively, contact WaMH in PC via email at lhills@rcgp.org.uk or on 029 2050 4516.
Part 1 makes it a legal requirement for Local Health Board and Local Authorities to work together to expand and strengthen mental health services at primary care level across Wales for people of all ages.
Our new website section will help GPs and their teams understand this first part of the Measure and can be accessed through the following link - Part 1 - Downloadable Resource.
The resource consists of a series of links to documents, websites and videos which explain how this part of the Measure will work.
If you're a mental health professional, then we'd urge you to take a few minutes to explore this new section of our site which we have split up into the following 3 distinct sections:
We'll also be posting details of each section on our Facebook page over the coming week so please visit us there as well and pass on anything you find useful to your Friends and colleagues.
In the meantime, for further information on the Mental Health (Wales) Measure contact:
Barbara Bowness - The All Wales Primary Care Lead for Part 1 of the Measure at:
Alternatively, contact WaMH in PC via email at lhills@rcgp.org.uk or on 029 2050 4516.
You might have seen a story on the BBC News and BBC News Online yesterday which is about the Mental Health (Wales) Measure.
The stories opening couple of lines went as follows and you can find it under the following link - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-20016491
"Health Minister Lesley Griffiths has promised to "tackle stigma" over mental health and give equal access from "cradle to grave" to vulnerable groups.The commitments are being made in the Welsh government's first strategy for a decade to improve mental health."
The Strategy the story is talking about is the Mental Health (Wales) Measure which you can read all about on this website.
In fact, the first part of the Measure has been put into place this month and in a couple of weeks we're going to launch a new Downloadable Resource explaining all aspects of Part 1 of this new legislation.
The aim is of Part 1 is to help Local Primary Mental Health Support Services come to terms with the new rules and we'll have full details about everything connected with this section of the strategy on this site from next week.
In the meantime, if you require information about the Measure please visit our website for an introduction and background information about this new legislation.
Alternatively, further information about the Measure is also available from:
Mental Health Legislation Team, Welsh Assembly Government, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ.
Telephone: 029 2082 6988.
Email: mentalhealthandvulnerablegroups@wales.gsi.gov.uk.